Bioinformatics for Beginners – ROSALIND

The Rosalind project provides an opportunity for learning bioinformatics through problem solving. Rosalind works the following way: you select a problem to solve from a list of available problems, you look through the problem and work out your solution (an example input and output is provided for each problem),...


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Flashcard Fridays – NGS and cancer

The emergence of new sequencing technologies made it possible for researchers to dig deeper into complex genetics related subjects. One of these complex, hard-to-study, but extremely relevant subjects is cancer. Today”s articles provide a glimpse inside the world of cancer research with next generation sequencing:


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Flashcard Fridays – The 2013 Ig Nobel Prizes

This week marked the 12th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Even though I live literally thousands of miles away and was fairly young in 2001, the anniversary brought up some sad memories and feelings for me. I can’t even imagine what people who are geographically or emotionally closer feel....


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