Streaming News on Facebook and Twitter

We would like to inform you that we have been publishing news, analyses and commentaries about next generation sequencing on Facebook and Twitter as well. Please check it out, leave a comment and engage with our readers. There are so many things to talk about related to NGS, and we should do that...


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Prezi about Omixon Target

Attila Bérces, Omixon CEO and founder, shared his recent Prezi formatted presentation that shows how next generation sequencing can serve as a diagnostic platform with a special focus on our software solution,Omixon Target. We hope you will enjoy this:


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GenomeWeb Features Omixon

The prestigious channel, GenomeWeb, published an article about “Software Vendors Cautiously Optimistic as Illumina Readies BaseSpace App Store for Market” and mentions Omixon. An excerpt from the article: Omixon, for instance, is developing an HLA genotyping application for identifying disease associations using whole-genome or whole-exome data as well as from...


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