This week marked the 12th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Even though I live literally thousands of miles away and was fairly young in 2001, the anniversary brought up some sad memories and feelings for me. I can’t even imagine what people who are geographically or emotionally closer feel. Anyway, I think we can all use a little distraction and cheering up this week, so here goes.
Monday (Sep 9) was the anniversary of the first reported computer bug. Which was an actual bug. Check out the story here.
On Thursday (Sep 12), was the 2013 Ig Nobel Prize ceremony. If you’re not familiar with the award, check out this page. You can watch the broadcast of the ceremony here.
Why should you watch?
- It’s scientists making fun of other scientists (and also themselves).
- Most winners actually do come to the ceremony and give a speech (or sing or play instruments).
- The prizes are handed out by actual Nobel laureates.
- Since 1996, every ceremony premiers its own mini-opera. (I’m not kidding.)
This is “The Stinker”, the original maskot of the Ig Nobel Prizes.