You can find the selected data here (the first link is the NCBI SRA link, the second is the EBI ENA ftp link)
Illumina data: NCBI, EBI read 1, EBI read 2
An informative video about E. coli (Source: IAQ Video Network):
Here is a list of bioinformatics related tasks I plan to discuss, not necessarily in this order (links will be added later):
- Read preprocessing
- File format conversion
- Read quality control (1 and 2)
- Quality filtering and trimming
- Adaptor trimming
- Demultiplexing
- Random downsampling
- Reference
- Targeted vs. whole reference alignment
- Running the alignments (1, 2, 3)
- Alignment statistics (coverage analysis, proper pairs…)
- Manipulating an alignment file (format conversion, indexing)
- Subsampling, getting reads/regions out of an alignment
- Indel realignment
- Quality recalibration
- Duplicate marking
- Sorting
- Merging
- Filtering
- De novo, semi de novo assembly
- Visualisation (sam/bam, de novo)
- Variant call
- Available tools (GATK, Samtools, also smaller tools like VarScan,…)
- Variant filtering
- Variant effect prediction (known and unknown variants)
- Visualisation
- Submitting to databases
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